As a job seeker or employee, you may find yourself in unfamiliar territory when an interviewer suggests meeting at an unconventional location such as a hotel lobby. It’s best to arrive early, find a comfortable spot, and take a few steps to relieve any tension.
In some cases, an interviewer may schedule a business meal at a restaurant. During such a meal, your etiquette and behavior will be closely observed as a reflection of your overall character. As this is typically a second interview, you are being considered seriously and with great scrutiny. Overindulging in food or alcohol can imply a lack of self-discipline, potentially undermining your judgment and maturity. Additionally, mistreating waitstaff can reveal poor leadership qualities and a potential lack of respect for subordinates.
It is wise to avoid alcohol, which can impair your cognition and decision-making abilities. If you choose to have a glass of wine, limit yourself to one. Water is a safe and acceptable choice. However, if your interviewer orders alcohol, it’s okay to follow their lead.
When it comes to smoking, it’s best to avoid lighting up during the meal. If your interviewer smokes and starts, you may join in, but never initiate.
Avoid ordering messy foods such as spaghetti or sloppy joes and refrain from speaking with your mouth full. Consider ordering the same dish as your interviewer, and don’t change your order or send food back. Choose reasonably priced items and avoid dishes with bones.
Lastly, if the bill arrives, do not touch it. The interviewer should take responsibility for payment, and you should never offer to split the bill. Always thank the host for the enjoyable meal.